As an Australian owned and operated business, we are privileged to work with clients all around the country. Due to this we are often exposed to community issues and challenges impacting this great country of ours.
This awareness creates an opportunity for RDM Group Australia to give back to the community and support organisations and charities that are providing a lifeline to those in need.
How is RDM Group Australia helping?
August 2022 – Gold Coast Community Fund
The Gold Coast Community Fund (GCCF) aims to relieve financial hardship which is determined on a case by case assessment of a beneficiary’s or charities genuine financial need.
Funds raised: $1200
July 2022 – Mark Hughes Foundation
The Mark Hughes Foundation (MHF) is a charity formed in Newcastle by Mark and Kirralee Hughes following Mark's diagnosis with Brain Cancer in 2013. The Mark Hughes Foundation's mission is to raise much needed funds for research, to create awareness and support brain cancer patients and their families.
Funds raised: $1875
June 2022 – The Smith Family
The Smith Family is an independent non-partisan Australian children's charity helping young people living in disadvantage to get the most out of their education, so they can create better futures for themselves.
Funds raised: $1090
May 2022 – Animal Welfare League QLD (AWLQ) www.awlqld.com.au
The AWLQ provides care, support and rehoming services to various animals small and large. They rely on donation to fund the services provided in caring for sick, injured and abandoned animals.
Funds raised: $1262
April 2022 – Soldier On ‘Light the Fire’ www.soldieron.org.au
The Soldier On charity help veterans and their families to survive and thrive through various services including medical, job placement and more.
Funds raised: $1499
3 x Custom fire pits given away -
March 2022 – Worlds Greatest Shave - The Leukaemia Foundation www.worldsgreatestshave.com
The Leukaemia Foundation ‘World’s Greatest Shave’ is an annual event where people shave, cut or colour their hair and raise funds towards fighting and curing blood cancer.
Funds Raised: $1714 -
February 2022 – Lifeline Australia www.lifeline.org.au
Lifeline is an invaluable service providing support to those suffering from mental illness, suicide, homelessness and more. As a well renowned Australian charity organisation, they raise funds through selling of donated items and through monetary donations.
Funds raised: $1082
Clothing & goods donated: Various clothes, books, dvds and more
January 2022 – LifeFlight www.lifeflight.org.au
LifeFlight provides an invaluable service through their fleet of aircraft and personnel, which fly to any destination to provide medical/emergency support to those in need.
Funds raised: $1078
December 2021 – National Breast Cancer Foundation www.nbcf.org.au
The National Breast Cancer Foundation is a well renowned charity supporting women’s health, mainly bringing awareness to the impact of breast cancer and raising funds to continue the research into this disease.
RDM Group had ‘Pink Fridays’ where staff could dress up in pink and donate.
Funds raised: $918
November 2021 – Movember Foundation www.movember.com
The Movember foundation raises awareness around men’s health and suicide prevention. Typically, men can grow a moustache during November to shine the spotlight on this issue, and that’s exactly what some of the RDM Group staff did.
Funds raised: $3104